* by Elvira Glänte
PAI is a textile product designer based in Stockholm who is passionate about sustainability and circularity. She describes herself as a craft investigator and learner.
Her work is inspired by everyday life and the diversity of cultures. She is interested in the stories behind the lives we lead. She has a broad knowledge of Asian craftsmanship and materials. Her diverse experience includes textile and product design, research, problem-solving, textile mass production processes, and management.
2022 - Present Associated Designer - Textile product
Designers Trust by Timothy Jacob Jensen Studios
2016 - Present Founder and Aesthetic Director
2010 - Present P . A . I Design Studio
2015 Design intern
Front Design AB Stockholm, Sweden
2010 - 2013 Freelance
Textile product design, brand identity and uniform design
2010 - 2012 Designer of Home textile product
Ginger Co., Ltd., Chiang Mai, Thailand
(former partner of Rice A/S, Denmark)
+ Textile Journey and Collaboration in hand printing technique
New Delhi & Jaipur, India
2009 - 2010 Textile product and print Designer in the Hotel department
BeHouse Co., Ltd., Bangkok, Thailand
2013 - 2015 Konstfack - University College of Arts, Crafts and Design
Stockholm, Sweden
MFA Textile in the Expanded Field
- granted Ulla Fröberg-Cramérs Stipendiestiftelse 2014
- granted Konstfack's International students scholarship 2013
2023 - 2024 University of Borås, The Swedish School of Textiles
Distance learning
Fashion design and Sustainability
Textile Fibres - From production to recycling
Textile Innovation
Textiles in Contexts
Textile Overview - Assembly Techniques
Textile Overview - Dyeing and finishing
Textile Overview - Fibre and yarn technology
2023 Lund University
The International Institute for Industrial Environmental Economics (IIIEE) Distance learning
Circular Economy: Managing Materials Sustainably
- Materials
- Circular Business Models
- Circular Design
- Innovation and Assessment
- Policies and Networks
- Circular Societies
2004 - 2009 King Mongkut’s University of Technology Thonburi - KMUTT
Bangkok, Thailand
BA Industrial Design, Human-centred design (English Program)
2008 University of Applied Sciences Northwestern Switzerland - HGK
Academic exchange student, Institute of Industrial Design
2023 Introduction to Colour, Material and Finish Design
Central Saint Martins, UAL Short Courses
University of the Arts London, UK
2014 ‘Interconnected Design Thinking: Material Journeys’
collaboration course between Konstfack and
Textiles Environment Design (TED)
University of the Arts London, UK
2006 Basic sewing techniques and pattern design course
Alliance Française Bangkok, Thailand
2018 AIKA Atelier collections launch, Formex January 2018
Stockholm, Sweden
2017 AIKA Atelier first collection launch, Formex August 2017
Stockholm, Sweden
2015 ‘Knitting with The Fisherman’ Konstfack degree exhibition 2015
2015 ‘Pleasant Slowness’ Stockholm Furniture Fair 2015 (Greenhouse)
Stockholm, Sweden
2014 ‘Why Are You so Distant?’ Rossana Orlandi Gallery,
Milan Furniture Fair 2014
2012 ‘Hemp, Tribal treasure’ Talent Thai 2012 exhibition
Bangkok, Thailand
2012 ‘My Secret Garden‘ Chiang Mai Design Award 2012 exhibition
Chiang Mai, Thailand
2009 ‘The Kindergarten Uniform’ 16th-anniversary exhibition of
School of Architecture and Design Bangkok, Thailand